Thursday, 23 June 2011

I Love Fishing

The lobster fishery is in full swing on the shores at the top of Nova Scotia. I have been a lobster fisherman all my life and have no plans of quitting anytime soon. I fish on the shore's of Cape Breton out of the lovely port of Bay Saint Lawrence, the most Northern fishing port in all of Nova Scotia. Our little port is also home to a lucrative Atlantic snow-crab fishery, which opens in July, a trawl (long-line) fishery, which targets delicious Halibut, and a mackerel fishery that starts in the fall. The dragging in our area has dwindled, but some boats still catch grey sole or flounder. Aside from the dragging, I have participated in every fishery that our region currently offers and I love them all!  I love the challenge of the North Atlantic waters and our famous tides. I love the last light of the sun, after it sets, when you are trying to squeeze every moment of work in you can before the day turns to dark. I love working with my family, whether it be with my father, mother, sister and brother aboard the Oshan, or my cousins when I help on other boats. Simply put: I love fishing. Do you know what I love the most about fishing? Eating my catch. Yes, in 2004 after graduating on the Dean’s list with an Honours degree, I turned my back on the academic world because I love eating fresh fish. There is just something special about catching it, cleaning it and then cooking it yourself. I love pan-fried lobster, crab keish, smoked mackerel and barbecued halibut. The next time you are in my area, stop at one of the many wharfs from Neil’s Harbour to Bay Saint Lawrence and ask a local “where can I get some fresh fish?” You will be surprised at what you find; afterwards, ask the local “how can I cook it?” and you will be amazed.

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